We sensible folks seem to keep thinking that Liddy and the likes are an aberration. They've been part of the US psyche from the time they first arrived from Europe determined to overcome monarchies, etc. They used to keep a relatively low profile until DT came along and showed them that they could achieve power simply by promoting themselves in a disruptive fashion every minute of the day. Since WW2 the US has distracted itself by creating enemies (communists, etc.) and fighting wars that kept the Liddy's busy. Now, with no visible external enemy/war to fight... Gulp!

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A timely recall. Santayana’s quote: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” comes to mind, including Roger Stone and the January 6th Capitol riots. Except that the not so strong (cowardly?), not so silent Donald Trump and all the little (Psycho) Trumpettes may have clearly remembered Watergate and decided to go one better: “The hell with Watergate; we can do better. Let’s defile the Capitol.”


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